For your information, this story has honorifics at the ends of people's name.
For example, Bla-kun, Bla-chan, and that all.
If you don't know what is it, then it's okay. Oh yea, Onii-tan means big brother.
It's just a way of respect. On with the story!! ^^
A violet-eyed redhead girl of about moderate height tried to make her way pass the hanging ives and flowers of colours so many which bloomed beautifully. She had big bangs on her forehead and some hair covering her ears. Tied with a green ribbon which was attached with two golden bells was bits of her leftover hair.
As she managed to make her way out of the countless ives and flowers, she spotted a boy about her height but a little taller sitting on a wooden bench with countless carvings on it. He had honey yellow eyes and green hair which was messed up because of the occasional wind. At the sight of him, the girl began to smile. She began walking to the boy as the sun began to rise.
"Hi," said the girl while having shades of pink on her cheeks. "Is it, okay if I sit here beside you?"
"Sure," said the boy, giving a smile which apparently dazzled the girl. "I don't see why not. Ki-no-chi."
"You don't have to emphasize my name like that," said the girl defensively, but inside she actually liked it.
"You know, the sunrise is always so beautiful," said the boy, facing in her direction. "But so are you."
With her heart melting to him, she could hardly speak anymore. " Do you mean it, Akio-kun?"
"Of course I do," said Akio, his hands cupping her face as he got closer and closer. "And I really want you to know that..-"
"Kino-chan!" said a male voice out of nowhere. " Kino-chan! WAKE UP! It's time to rise you sleepy head!"
Kinochi woke up to find that all that happened between her and the boy Akio was just a dream. She was sleeping on a double decker bed, but she was sleeping on the top one.
"Oh damn," said Kinochi, rubbing her eyes. "I just had a nice dream about Akio-kun and you just had to wake me up now didn't you. Onii-tan."
The person called Onii-tan had white-ish hair accompanied red blood-shot eyes. He had an evil expression. "You better not complain or I'll tell Akio-kun that you have a crush on him," said the white head, his expression getting scarier and scarier."We're late for your info."
"Noooo!!!!" said Kinochi at once."Please don't tell him Onii-tan!!" Kinochi continued with other excuses while he watched her expression with amusement. But then Yourichi's face began to fall.
"Kino-chan," said Yourichi while putting the back of his hand on her forehead. " I think you got a fever. F-e-v-e-r."
"You don't have to spell it out," said Kinochi, annoyed. "I'm not that stupid. And today's the first day of high school, I can't miss-"Yourichi's hand prevented her from speaking anything further.
His voice grew softer."It's okay, just take a rest," said Yourichi, his red eyes looking less intidimating now."I got to go school now. Take care. Love 'ya." He gave a cheeky grin before leaving the door.
Three hours had passed and Kinochi boredly looked out at the open window. She had climbed down from her bed to her brother's bed because from his bed she could see more objects. Yeah, like that is going to be so entertaining.
"I'm so bored!" shouted Kinochi to herself, for she can't even sleep or rest even after three hours. The only thing that took her attention was when a pen started rolling from one end of the table to the other. Even that got her attention for minutes.
Kinochi was about to rant again when she found a book beneath her brother's bed. It was dusty and looked pretty old. Out of curiousity, she opened the book.
"Book of.. Catastrophe..?" said Kinochi to herself, as she flipped the first page. " What kind of brother that I have that reads these kind of stuff?"
In the book, carved was something called the Wielders Of The Lost Souls. Kinochi held a beweildered expression, but something made her feel like she got to read it.
She read about lives of the people which was spoken about, each page full of poems and clues which was supposedly warn or tell what's going to happen. Well, that's what Kinochi thought of. Her eyes moved left and right, speed reading all the things while her hand flips the page occasionally.
As the book was about to come to an end, her eyes stopped moving. Her eyes were filled with the expression of fear. Her eyes frozed, glued on the page.
Carved in blood, was written her name.