Wow. I'm slow. And who knew Vance could break dance?
More stuff are to be revealed in this post..
And why is it so frigging long?? ^.^" Enjoy?

Due to his hoodie taken off, the audience had numerous kinds of responses.
"What is that youngster doing there!"
"I thought this company only allowed 18 and above to break dance?"
"Oh my gosh, HE'S HOT!"
"He looks familiar.."
"Darn he's taller and more good-looking than me!!!"
After the shouts and responses, people complained. They said "BOO!!" and "This is stupid!" and people began to leave. They littered the compound and shouted some insults. Within minutes, the crowd was gone, only leaving a few people staring dumbfound.
"Vance!" said the manager of the company. "You need some talking."
Uh oh. Busted again?
Kinochi could not believe her eyes. It was Vance all along? What is he doing here?
"I think I need to find out things," thought Kinochi. She began walking towards the backstage, authorized or not. Totally forgetting Emiko.
"Kinochi-chan!" whined Emiko as she ran towards her. "Where do you think you are going? We came here to shop you know!"
"But you were the one who stopped here to see them break dance," said Kinochi.
"I know but," said Emiko."They're done! Let's go!"
"No," said Kinochi after awhile. "I think.. I want to find out something."
"Do you know you have just disgraced the Panther Cooperation by your doings?" said the manager, with his voice raising at every word he spoke. "This is going to be bad for this company in the future thanks to you Vance!"
Vance just stood in front of him motionlessly.
"I thought I could rely on you," continued the manager, as he slammed his fist on the table. "But I guess I proved myself wrong. You are just an ingnorant brat of 13! Why did you even apply a job here?"
"Shut up old man," thought Vance as he stuck his hands into his pockets.
"You're fired!" said the manager angrily. "I don't need idiots like you! You can leave now, and don't dare you ask for your pay for this week. Dismiss!"
"Sure old man," spoke Vance at last during the 30 minute lecture."My pleasure." Vance took his bag as walked out of the backstage as he collided into Kinochi.
Kinochi had a dazed look while Vance held a look of suprise.
"What are you doing here?" said Kinochi as she rubbed her head.
Before giving any explanations, first Vance took the two girls to buy some drinks. Vance actually paid for their drinks. Maybe for courtesy.
"So," said Kinochi as she sipped her drink. "Care to explain?"
"Well," said Vance."I applied a job here when I came back to earn some money. So that -"
"Earn money?" interrupted Emiko. "Don't your parents give you money?"
"...You can say.." said Vance after some blank thoughts."That they don't."
"But why?" asked Kinochi as she thought of her parents. Her dad died five years ago so her mom had to work alot so she and Onii-tan didn't get to see her often. But still, she did give them some money. "Not even a cent?"
"Do you honestly think I would apply for a job if my parents gave me money?" said Vance as he smacked his forehead. "Come on, can't you understand the obvious? Anyways, at first the manager didn't want to hire me because I was just too young."
"So how did you get hired?" asked Emiko.
"Because I'm tall enough and drop dead gorgeous," said Vance with a smirk.
"Yeah right," thought Kinochi.
"But I guess I blew it when my hoodie came off," continued Vance. "As if I wanted that to happen."
"But he should have forgiven you!!" said Emiko indigantly. "You break dance so well! If I were a manager I would have forgiven you!"
Emiko went on ranting as Kinochi and Vance sweatdropped. Then Kinochi's face had a grin plastered on it.
"Looks like someone has a crush on somebody.." said Kinochi, obviously meaning it's Emiko.
"NO I DO NOT!" said Emiko with a huff. Suddenly her mood changed.
"Hey Kinochi, we're supposed to shop!" said Emiko as she dragged a shocked Kinochi and leaving behind a bewildered Vance.
"Girls... are weird."
.:: A million of shops and after ::.
Kinochi waved goodbye to Emiko as she sighed silently in delight.
"Thank goodness that's over!" thought Kinochi as she began walking home. The sunset has just appeared above the horizon and sky was purple-ish pink-ish in colour. She walked pass the lush greenery of the forest and was reaching the park when she saw two people skateboarding. A brunette haired boy and girl looked like they were have a lot of fun.
"I think we should go home now!" said the brunette haired boy, signalling the girl to stop.
"But it's early!" procastinated the girl. "And we just came here!"
"Yea.." said the boy sarcastically. "We just came here, 3 hours ago."
The girl pleaded to have one more try on the skateboarding platform.
"I guess one more time won't hurt," shrugged the boy.
The girl and boy got ready on the platform and they went down. They started doing tricks and flips like the Bigflip and the Disco Flip. They also did a Fingerflip and more.
"Wow!" thought Kinochi. "They're good!"
The girl eventually stopped but the boy went on. He was enjoying himself alot alright.
"And who said we should have gone home?" questioned the girl with a smirk on her face. The boy stopped at once.
The boy took off his hat which had blocked his eyes.
"Ricky?" exclaimed Kinochi out loud before thinking.
The brunette boy turned his head in suprise. "Kochi?" said Ricky, suprised. "What are you doing here?"
"I was walking back home when I saw you two skateboarding," said Kinochi. "You guys were awesome. Oh yea.. Ricky?"
"Yes?" said Ricky, puzzled.
"Is that girl your girlfriend?" said Kinochi. To her suprise, Ricky started laughing like mad.
"Are you kidding me?" chuckled Ricky. "She's my sister!"
"Yo," said the brunette haired girl."My name is Makani! Sister of Rick of course."
"Hi..?" said Kinochi. They both shook hands.
"I think I should get going now," said Kinochi after awhile. "Bye Ricky, Bye Makani!" She turned around to start walking home when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned her head around to find out that it was Ricky.
"Hey.." began Ricky."You want a ride home?" The grin on his face grew wider every second.
"Huh??" said Kinochi. "What do you mean by a ride home?"
"I mean it by.." said the grinning Ricky. "By this!"
Ricky hoisted Kinochi on his back as he took out his skateboard and slapped on his hat on his head. Kinochi tried to get down but it was futile.
"Oh damn," began Kinochi. "Don't tell me.."
"Let's rock and roll!" said Ricky with a mischevious smile as he started moving on his skateboard. Kinochi held back a scream which was amazing because Ricky was moving fast.
"Wait up!" said Manaki, having trouble at keeping up with Ricky's pace.
"Keep up or lose behind!" shouted back Ricky naughtily.
Manaki temporarily stopped as Ricky and Kinochi got out of sight.
Manaki smiled. "That girl is something.." thought Manaki.
Kinochi reached her house in record time. Rick put Kinochi down as he said, "Wasn't that fun?"
"Yea," said Kinochi, panting."Real fun. Thanks for the 'ride'."
Suddenly, Manaki came out of nowhere and pulled Kinochi to a corner.
"Hey!" said Ricky. "Where are you guys going?"
"Nothing," replied Manaki as she gave a cheeky smile. "We're going to have some 'girl' talk."
Ricky sweatdropped.
"I think my brother has eyes for you," said Manaki as she grinned.
"H-huh??" said Kinochi as she went scarlet red. "Why would you s-say that??"
"No normal guy would just carry up a girl and bring her home you know," said Manaki, still grinning. "I know my brother. Whoever he has eyes on I will know."
"Well," said Kinochi. "I know you're wrong this time!"
"We'll see," said Manaki."It's time for me and my brother to go now.Goodbye!"
Kinochi waved goodbye as she locked the house gates.
.:: Monday Morning ::.
Kinochi actually managed to wake up in time to get ready for school.
"Oh damn," thought Kinochi. "Where's my freakin' tie??" She scrambled over a heap of clothes and more miscellanious stuff when she found it. Kinochi sighed in relief.
Kinochi put on the tie and got her school bag. She began to tidy up her hair when she saw the book flipping open again. Kinochi cautiously looked around, just in case if her brother came in the room again.
Kinochi took up the book with the utmost caution as the book began to carve words with blood again.
Falling never felt so -
"So?" thought Kinochi, as she impatiently waited for the word to form."G-?"
"You're not done yet?" said Yourichi, suddenly popping in. "I'm going now okay?"
"Okay!" said Kinochi while she quickly hid the book behind her. She hid it because it was found under her brother's freaking bed! If he saw her holding it, she's going to get into a lot of trouble.
Yourichi exited the room as Kinochi quickly kept the book in her school bag.
"Who knows," thought Kinochi to herself. "Maybe I'll get to find out later."
Kinochi boredly stared out at the school window as the teacher rambled on about something.
"Hey," thought Kinochi. "Maybe I should take out the book now."
Kinochi slowly reached for her bag when suddenly her teacher called her name. Kinochi stiffened in fright.
"So Kinochi," said the teacher. "Would you like to do it?"
Kinochi had no frigging idea of what the teacher was talking about. But she dared to risk. Kinochi replied, "Yes..?"
Regrettion poured all over Kinochi as she carried a mountain of books. It turned out that the teacher wanted someone to help him carry the all the students books.
"Oh I'm so dumb," thought the frustrated Kinochi.
As Kinochi neared a flight of stairs, Kinochi tripped over a book that had fallen from the mountain of books.
"Watch out!" said a voice, coming from the lower part of the stairway.
Kinochi started falling down, down, down, eventually landing on a bigger surface of the stairs. Kinochi had collided into the person that was warning her.
"You're not done yet?" said Yourichi, suddenly popping in. "I'm going now okay?"
"Okay!" said Kinochi while she quickly hid the book behind her. She hid it because it was found under her brother's freaking bed! If he saw her holding it, she's going to get into a lot of trouble.
Yourichi exited the room as Kinochi quickly kept the book in her school bag.
"Who knows," thought Kinochi to herself. "Maybe I'll get to find out later."
Kinochi boredly stared out at the school window as the teacher rambled on about something.
"Hey," thought Kinochi. "Maybe I should take out the book now."
Kinochi slowly reached for her bag when suddenly her teacher called her name. Kinochi stiffened in fright.
"So Kinochi," said the teacher. "Would you like to do it?"
Kinochi had no frigging idea of what the teacher was talking about. But she dared to risk. Kinochi replied, "Yes..?"
Regrettion poured all over Kinochi as she carried a mountain of books. It turned out that the teacher wanted someone to help him carry the all the students books.
"Oh I'm so dumb," thought the frustrated Kinochi.
As Kinochi neared a flight of stairs, Kinochi tripped over a book that had fallen from the mountain of books.
"Watch out!" said a voice, coming from the lower part of the stairway.
Kinochi started falling down, down, down, eventually landing on a bigger surface of the stairs. Kinochi had collided into the person that was warning her.
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